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Multi signature wallets provide enhanced security for cryptocurrency holders, making them an excellent solutions for advanced users who need to manage funds as a group. With security being a common concern among cryptocurrency users, multisig wallets are one of the most advanced security-enhancing tools available. Provided the keys are properly stored, multisig wallets can help eliminate the single point of failure that traditional single-key wallets face.

Yes. Before you can make cryptocurrencies investments on Crypto Chain, you'll need to deposit funds into your Crypto Chain account using one of the below supported currencies. Select the local currency you would like to use to view specific deposit options. The most common method is via a bank transfer bitcoin transfer, from your bank account to Crypto Chain, using a unique reference number.

Once you meet the criteria, you will be upgraded automatically before the 10th of every month, at the same time that Crypto Chain makes the payments to Popular Investors. If you no longer meet the requirements of a certain level, you will move down a level. You can always move back up once you meet the criteria again, including minimum time on the current level.

For each direct or indirect referral we give you up to 1000 $. In addition they will receive 5 $ on their first purchase.

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